Study trip to Bergen

Industrial Symbiosis Haugaland has been on a study trip to Bergen for inspiration and professional replenishment.

Evening seminar 23 October 2023 - Transport and storage of CO2

See video from the seminar: Part 1 and Part 2    

CCS Haugalandet 27 April 2023

The auditorium in the office park was full, and there were also a number of participants who followed the conference digitally. The list of participants included everything from local politicians from across the region, national climate and environmental organisations, students and representatives from local businesses.

CCS Haugalandet invited to a final seminar in Oslo on 18 January 2024

Over 100 participants were registered for CSS Haugalandet's final seminar in Oslo on 18 January, from industry, the ministries, the Storting, the instrumentality apparatus, research institutions, interest organizations and other businesses.

CCS Haugalandet - seminar EU processes 28 May 2024

This time the focus was on relevant CCS processes in the EU. In addition, a status update was given from the partners in the collaboration, where, among other things, you heard the latest news about the Gismarvik CO2 hub and about Eramet's CCS pilot, which is being assembled.

Minister of Energy back in the park

One year after the concession for Statnett's 420 kV station in Haugaland Næringspark was granted, Minister Terje Aasland was back on a visit for an update on developments in the park.

Collaboration on CCS and Hydrogen

On Wednesday and Thursday this week, several cooperation agreements were signed between the Netherlands and Norway. Haugaland Næringspark was also invited to a small stakeholder meeting with His Royal Highness King Willem-Alexander.

Ambassador of Germany

This week we had the pleasure of welcoming the German ambassador to Haugaland Næringspark!

Evening seminar October 30

This evening, we were presented with the status of the working groups and also took a closer look at possible symbioses. 

Official opening of the LPG terminal

On Thursday this week, Nærenergi Gass opened its new tank facility for LPG/propane in Haugaland Næringspark.

Bellona on a visit

This week, we received a visit from the Bellona Environmental Foundation to exchange experiences about CCS and Horizon Energy's plans to establish a joint infrastructure for transporting and storing CO2.

Workshop on slag, sludge and dust

On October 25, Industrial Symbiosis Haugalandet arranged an open workshop on selected surplus flows - slag, sludge and dust.

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