Several ministerial visits in one week

This week, both Minister of Agriculture and Food Olaug Bollestad and Minister of Petroleum and Energy Tina Bru have visited Gismarvik to learn more about the opportunities in Haugaland Business Park.

There's little to say about the interest in Haugaland Business Park these days, and the power situation is contributing to the fact that in many ways the arrows are pointing towards Gismarvik. Last week, the Centre Party in Rogaland, represented by second candidate Lisa Marie Ness Klungland and deputy mayor of Tysvær, Sven Ivar Dybdal, paid a visit; on Monday this week, the Minister of Agriculture and Food, Olaug Bollestad, wanted a guided tour, and on Tuesday, the Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Tina Bru, was a guest at the country's largest regulated business park.

- "It was exciting to see and hear about a business park that is so ready for the new green industrial establishments in Norway," said Bru after the visit.

Minister of Petroleum and Energy Tina Bru at Haugaland Næringspark together with CEO Tiril Fjeld

Tiril Fjeld, General Manager of Haugaland Næringspark, is pleased with the interest shown by the ministers.

- "It's great to showcase the opportunities that lie in Haugaland Business Park, and great to experience that the ministers see the importance of the work that has been done in the park over many years, with pre-regulated areas, the development of the port, the infrastructure that is in place and all the green power we have access to," says the general manager of Haugaland Business Park.

It has taken time to get the business park to where it is today, but the thorough preparatory work that has been done now gives the park clear advantages.

- For large industrial establishments, it's not enough to find an area - there are plenty of them. "What makes Haugaland Business Park particularly attractive as a location is that we have everything ready. The conditions are right, and it's possible to get started fairly immediately. In addition, we're located in the middle of an industrial region with a type of expertise that means a lot to those considering establishing themselves," says Fjeld.

Minister of Agriculture and Food Olaug Bollestad and several Krf politicians from Rogaland visit Haugaland Næringspark

She has in no way experienced the politicians' visits as courtesy calls or PR stunts.

- Rather, I found them to be genuinely interested, with good questions and a genuine commitment to the green industries and where the new value creation will take place. They know our region well and know what we stand for," says Fjeld.

ROGALAND SP: second candidate Lisa Marie Ness Klungland and deputy mayor of Tysvær, Sven Ivar Dybdal visiting Tiril Fjeld in Haugaland Næringspark