This week, we received a visit from the Bellona Environmental Foundation to exchange experiences about CCS and Horizon Energy's plans to establish a joint infrastructure for transporting and storing CO2.
The guests were also given a tour and information about Haugland Næringspark. Sigmund Lier, General Manager of Haugaland Vekst, talked about our forward-looking industrial region and the expertise we have here. They also got a closer look at the floating solar cell project, which is an Enova-supported collaborative project between Sunlit Sea, Endra, EV Powercharge/Supercharge and the business park.
Important CCS collaboration
Rune Halseid from Horisont talked about their Gismarvik CO2 hub project. In addition, a good insight was also given into key collaborative projects managed by the business park; CCS Haugalandet and Industrial Symbiosis.
Kåre Bjarte Bjelland, Director of Strategy and Communication at Eramet Sauda talked about the importance of such collaborations.
- Due to differences in technology, industrial companies in Haugalandet have to find their own solutions for carbon capture. But one challenge we all have in common is transportation and storage, which is both complicated and very expensive. We believe that if Eramet, Equinor, Gassco, Hydro, Haugaland Næringspark and others can work together on this, we can hopefully get enough volume of capture so that together we can transport and store it more cheaply than if each of us had to do it alone," says Bjelland about the CCS collaboration.
- A big green step for Norway
Helene Mørne from Carbonor also attended the meeting and talked about their project to establish biocarbon production facilities in Norway and at Gismarvik. Otherwise, there was a good exchange of experiences with the various industry players and Bellona about CCS in Norway. Something that is perhaps one of the most important measures for achieving Norway's climate goals?
- The companies on Haugaland account for six percent of Norway's emissions from the emissions trading sector. If CCS succeeds at Haugalandet, they will be taking a big green step for Norway," says Mats Rongved, CCS advisor at Bellona.