Local energy with LPG plant in Haugaland Business Park

Nærenergi is investing in its own facility for receiving and storing LPG (propane) in Haugaland Business Park - to the great benefit of businesses in the park and the region, says Tiril Fjeld, general manager of Haugaland Business Park.

As part of ensuring sufficient access to LPG (propane), Nærenergi is now investing in its own facility for receiving and storing LPG in Haugaland Næringspark at Gismarvik in Tysvær municipality.

Strengthens Haugalandet as an energy hub

Nærenergi is investing more than NOK 100 million in the development of the facility, on a 20-acre commercial site that is currently under construction. The facility includes 12 tanks with a capacity of 400 cubic meters each, two filling stations for tankers with technical control systems, as well as import facilities on the quay. Assembly and delivery is set for the summer and the facility will be operational by September 2024.

- "We're delighted that Nærenergi is now establishing itself in Haugaland Næringspark, further strengthening us as an important energy hub in Norway. The facility will provide a useful infrastructure service for businesses in the park and elsewhere in the region," says Tiril Fjeld, general manager of Haugaland Næringspark.

Meeting gas demand with efficient solutions 

Nærenergi is confident that the need for LPG will continue for many years to come, and is ensuring that the new plant will also be able to receive and store BioLPG when it becomes available.

- With time-efficient solutions and significant storage capacity, the facility will optimize operations and meet an ever-increasing gas demand, and the gas will be able to be picked up by ships throughout Northern Europe. Unloading of shiploads of up to 1200-1800 tons will take 8-12 hours, and the actual filling of the tankers will be completed in less than half an hour. We look forward to being able to start using the new terminal," says Bjørn M. Apeland, chairman of Nærenergi Gass AS.

The Nærenergi Group consists of the owner company Nærenergi AS and the subsidiaries Nærenergi Eiendom AS, Nærenergi Gass AS and the Danish company Regaco A/S. The business in Norway consists of the sale and distribution of LPG and services related to the installation and use of LPG. In Denmark, the business is concentrated on the supply of upgrading plants and filling stations for biogas, compressor stations for gas networks and equipment and services related to such plants. Total sales in 2023 were around NOK 280 million. The company has 3 employees in Norway and 11 in Denmark.

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